Friday, April 25, 2014

Baby, Baby, Baby (You know you sang it in the annoying voice of THATperson.)

Now before you even ask, no. The answer is no. I am not preggers.  But it seems like everyone else is lately. Therefore, I have been busy. Busy knitting tiny, adorable little things: hats, sweaters, bunny buddy blankets, you name it, it's been on the needles.

I love knitting baby items. They're so cute! And so tiny! And did I mention CUTE? And talk about instant gratification! I started a baby cardigan a little over a week ago and it's already mostly finished!

Speaking of which.....

The Newborn Vertebrae pattern, by pekapeka patterns,  is simply genius. I first heard about it on the Electric Sheep podcast (which is FABULOUS by the way). After checking the pattern out on Ravelry, I could not stop thinking about it until I had dug through my stash and gotten it on the needles.

What makes this pattern "genius" you wonder? Having spent my fair share of time around newborns, I can attest to just how much "stuff" ends up dribbled down the front of whatever adorable outfit they happen to be wearing. Milk. Slobber. Spit Up. You name it, it will find its way to the front of a little one's clothing. But not on this cardigan. You see, the Vertebrae cardigan DOESN'T HAVE A FRONT! Huh? What? It's a back that wraps around the sides and has sleeves. That's it. (I'll give you a moment to let that sink in.)

The other reason this is so great, is that it keeps baby's back and arms all snuggly during tummy time.  Here in Georgia, it never really gets THAT cold (with the exception of this past winter's "Snowmageddon"). So a little cardigan, knit out of lightweight cotton is appropriate during any season. In summer, it keeps the AC chill at bay. In the winter, it's a perfect layering piece with a long sleeved onsie.

I'll post a finished picture when I get there, but here's what it looks like for now:

I've am knitting it out of some KnitPicks Comfy in the Planetarium color way. All that's left for me to do is the ribbing on the sleeves and the button band. Which will have no buttons. I can't wait to finish this!

Enough gushing. Let's move on to something that has actually made it off the needles.

The Aviatrix hat, by Justine Turner,  has been in my queue for quite a while now. I always loved the style, and after reading the pattern, I couldn't wait to get started. While most hats are knit in the round this one is shaped by starting at the back, and using short rows to form wedges up and across to the front. Then you pick up stitches on either side and knit the ear flaps/ strap. It's a quick knit, only taking a couple of evenings to complete.

And here's the finished product!

It's kind of hard to tell, but the button that I dug out of my grandma's button stash is the perfect burnt orange color that looks awesome next to the dark teal. 

And that's it! I did finish a few other things, but alas and alack I did not take photos before giving them away. *Hangs head in knitterly shame* 

(Sarah, if you're reading this, think you could snap a few photos of the bunny buddy for me when you get back in it's vicinity? That would be super duper!)

Thanks for making it to the end of this kinda long post. Leave a comment and let me know what you think! Do you knit? Sew? Stitch? Craft? Are you working on a project that you just absolutely love? Let me know about it in the comments thread below! 

Can't wait to hear from you!
Keep it real!


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